Set and customise booking alerts to keep track of bookings made from your Business Booker account. Follow our user guide to see everything booking alerts can do, including setting alerts on specific dates/times and when certain booking price thresholds are exceeded.

How do I set booking alerts based on the date/time of a booking?
You can create alerts to notify you if employees make bookings for certain days, or for bookings that extend over weekends. Email updates will be sent to you and anyone else you choose when any bookings fall into any of the criteria you set.
To set these criteria, click on your company’s name and go to company management > booking alerts.

How do I set rate cap alerts?
You can create alerts for bookings that exceed a certain price. An email update will be sent to you and anyone else you choose if the cap you’ve set is exceeded. Please note – rate cap alerts are based on the total cost of the reservation and not cost per night.
To set a rate cap alert, click on your company’s name and go to company management > booking alerts.
Can I choose who booking alerts are sent to and how often they’re sent?
Yes, you can choose to send booking alerts to as many people as you like from your company address book.
When it comes to frequency, you can choose for booking alerts to be sent immediately after a booking is made, or set them to be sent out in daily, weekly or monthly summaries.
If you don’t set any booking alert emails to be sent out, any booking that would have triggered an alert based on the parameters you set will still show up in the out of policy management information report.